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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The people downstairs

Why are you so miserable?
 What makes two people who appear to hate each other
 stay together?
 You fight both morning and night.
 You yell and wake me from a sound sleep
 For seven years I have listened to this, and wondered why.
 You must get pleasure from it.
Where are your smiles?
 Where is your laughter?
 Was it shattered in a door slam?
Were you ever happy together?
 Is there passion hidden in that misery?
I am tired
You woke me up
Be still and know peace
My neighbors


  1. A valid question Jane; why anyone would "choose" misery. But this is likely what feels "normal", the paradox is that only in a perpetually adverse environment are they able to feel the peace, their comfort. I would strongly suspect they both grew up in this exact existence and we only know to seek out what we know.

    Self-contradictory huh! Their fate, likely, is to live out their lives like this,

    separate and they'll only find other equally minded individuals with whom they may repeat their dysfuncitonal relation skills, or , lack there-of


    dig deep for an ounce of character and seek some help, break the chains of dysfunction,,
    this is generally the minority , a select few.

  2. Yes, Dawn I agree. It seems from the outside so easy to escape, but who knows. I know that addiction is a factor in this turmoil. One is addicted to alcohol and the other is addicted to the addict.
    Sadly these people who are both intelligent, seem to be missing out on good things. Pleasure, peace, happiness.
    My husband says that listening to their anger only reinforces his sobriety. He is reminded of how his life could have been. But we are ready to move on, and leave this drama behind. Peace, Jane

  3. In the early days of my blog, I use to write about the nonsense across the street from me. More than nonsense, really, in that children were being abused. I was subjected to it daily. I will pray for you and them.

  4. Yep, I was just about to suggest, after seven years...can you not just move away--sometimes not that easy.

    Your husband will know this line, from the BB:
    "We ceased fighting anyone and everything, even alcohol." ()Cause it can kill me.


  5. Wow, how sad for them and how awful for you to have to listen to it.
