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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In like a lion, out like a lamb

Open water, the sounds of spring. I long for the buzz of bees and the smell of grass. I long for the bright white of winter to burst into the colors of life. It is coming, but the lion will roar a little while longer. Now march forward into Spring.


  1. Jane...I did not 'see' that Lamb. (Of course to me, 'lamb' is 80F and above--grin!)

    But I know you meant the thaw is ON, Babeeee! I'm so glad you Peeps "up nowath" are getting a break, it's been long, hard, cold, winter. And Long. And HARD!

  2. A slow melt by the look of things, but it's on its way, I'd say.

  3. my favorite sight, melting snow, running water besides the ice.

  4. OhmeGosh, Fred, my dear Canadian friend would say!!!

    It's sooooooooo beautiful though!
    This Winter has been too cold and severe everywhere on Earth :)))
    In Portugal it'a now getting just a little bit warmer. Hopefully it will keep :)
    Thank you so much for all the trouble you've been trough in order to find me in my new address.
    You're a gem.

    I'll leave you now two links that will lead you straight to my Blog, one is my signature and the other is the name of my Blog.
    I'll link you in my new home so that I won't lose track.

    I've answered your comment about the frogs and toads "singing" !!!

    Huge Hug

  5. Dear Jane!
    Every day dazzles me more with your photos and places out there.
    I've been to Washington and New York, but had not seen snow since it was spring.
    My dream is to see snow so white and these beautiful landscapes.
    Your photos are wonderful.
    kisses from Rio

  6. This looks like paradise to me :)
