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Monday, May 16, 2011

A funny Dad story...salty old man that he is!

So this morning I was feeling down....really sad, and I called my brothers in New Hampshire for the daily update on Dad's progress. Now I know that in times of grief, and despair, humor is a unique item. I remember finding some things funny, when I should be serious. I think that it is natural. But my Dad is one salty, feisty, fellow. He always has been, always will be.

All I can say is that when that show " Shit my Dad says" or something like that came out, I could relate. I have been mortified on many occasions by my Dad's inability to edit in public. Now here is what my Brother related to me this morning. First off let me begin by saying that the hospital where my Dad is admitted, employs my Sister-in-law. She holds a prestigious position at the hospital, and this will haunt her...I can say that!

My Dad has never been known for his patience. I am forever early, due in part to his intolerance of lateness. I remember being left behind, once, because I was using the bathroom and my Dad couldn't wait for me. Anyway, being in pain, and being sick, does not make him any nicer. He is one of those nightmare patients that all nurses and doctors dread. I know that! Anyway, last night a nurse was leaving her shift for the night. A 14 hour shift, mind you, and she went in to say goodnight to my Dad. My Dad replied " I am as happy to see you leave as I was to hear that Osama bin Laden was killed." Or something very close to that.

My Dad, brother Joe, and my Husband, Jerry.

Brother Joe, Uncle John, and My Dad deer hunting last Fall

Brother Andy, and Dad, at the hunting shack

Mom, baby Jane, and Dad

Dad enjoying a cigar after a day's hunting
There went my sad mood, I was in a fit of laughter. He will always be my Dad, always be a little bit off color, and will always find a way to be remembered. My poor Sister-in-law has to share the same last name as this tyrant! It will take a lot to live that comment down. The guy is, and always has been politically incorrect, and I love him!


  1. Always "politically incorrect"!!! Reminds me of the person who is sitting in my chair right now, using my computer, and typing these words to you.

    We pray that his suffering be limited--in longevity, and intensity.

    You could say he was DYING to play GOLF! Four holes....what a story!

    Bless you and yours, Jane.

  2. I just found your blog...I relate so well to your talking about your dad and his salty words/speech. My father-in-law has said some choices words or phrases that could make one want to dive under a table. Age seems to add just that much more to their already "unique" personality!

  3. Your Pop seems like a Great guy.
    I just Love family stories.
    Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  4. He's a pistol!

    Thank you for sharing this. I love it when people talk about there family.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about his cancer - good that he's maintaining his sense of humor. And I love that old photo of your parents with you.
